Artisan Soap One-of-a-kind

Posted by Alina Perfance on

Hi, I’m Alina, and I make artisan soaps in Cheshire. I have a passion for everything authentic and artisan with sustainability in mind.

One-of-a-kind Artisan soaps were born in summer 2024 when my raspberry patch in my garden brought a massive harvest. 

I was making a new batch of soaps almost every day, so I have added a unique ingredient - fresh raspberries right from my patch into a soap batter. Raspberries contain raspberry oil, which is quite underestimated by high street brands, however, is very precious and moisturising.

One-of-a-kind Alina Perfance Soap Bars contain unique botanicals and every batch is made once. A special recipe of soap called Cold Process - I melt oils at 36C instead of heating them, preserving moisturising properties and turns every bar into 20% superfat and cleansing indulgence.

Every box you order is filled with wood wool straw-type filler and packed into a cardboard box free from tape and any type of plastic argghhh I hate plastic :D 

Join the club of artisan and authentic products and your skin will say thank you!

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